Tuesday, May 29, 2012


In our school system here anything containing any kind of nut is not allowed at school. When Charly first started school I was sending her with cold lunch and when you can't include simple PB&J your kind of left with just turkey or ham and cheese. So to mix things up a bit I started cutting the sandwiches into different shapes. Charly loved it but so did the other kids and they soon started demanding different shapes. Now there is no such thing as a simple cut in half or quarters sandwhich. The most popular creation so far is the "C" sandwich. Since my kids are all so lucky to have the same initial it makes things quite easy but Carter noticed the other day that when you take out the middle it makes the shape of a "T" so it's their first and last initial. Kinda fun I think and cool that Carter recognized a letter without me telling him. These will officially be Thrap kid sandwiches.

1 comment:

Christia said...

Random, but you can send sunflower nut butter sandwiches. Julian will not eat any meat sandwich, but sun nut butter he will eat. It's pricer than PB, but still cheaper than buying lunches all the time!