Tuesday, May 26, 2009

More Pictures of Caelyn

My feet next to Gma's thumb...skinny


Me and my big sister

Arriving Home

My First Bath at the Hospital

A visit from my Aunt Jenny


littlefamily said...

she is beautiful, Elise! I see she is sporting a headband and bow already!!

Andrea said...

CONGRATS!! Those pics with Charly and her new baby sister are so cute. How fun. And NO MEDS....wow you really are a super women Elise. I definitely couldn't do that.

PS: I hope you got the message that I am bringing you dinner over tomorrow around 5:00. See you then.

The Cooks said...

I have been checking your blog everytime I get on the computer waiting for this blog. Congratulations! And what a labor story! Wowie.

Family Scads said...

She is beautiful Elise, and what a birth story to go with her! Hope that all is going well at your place. I'd love to bring you over a meal. Let me know if that would be alright (we are home right now and I would love to get out!). Congrats!

Anne-Marie said...

congratulations!! she is adorable!